To understand my work I will introduce you my beginnings, how I get to jewellery and why I work in this discipline.
I was born in Bratislava, which is the capitol of Slovakia, placed in the heart of Europe. For me, it is a hidden treasure, a colorful country with a rich history and diverse nature.
The love for art was always in my heart. My parents supported and shared with me this excitement. Both of them, architects, showed me how I can express my ideas and put out my thoughts.

Already as a child, I was fascinated by nature, it`s forms, colur and complexity. I was always deeply interrested in perfect natural creations and geological wonders.
When I was 3 years old I begun to collect stones, that I have found outside in the nature and that have inspired me in some way. I collect them till now, but I also use these special pieces in my current works. On the other side, when I was about twelwe, I was very interessted in costume jewellery, broken or lost and found jewellery. When I have discovered a secret drawer with a lot of bijouterie of my mother, I was delighted. I have tried everything on and investigate each piece. I tried to repair some broken pieces in my own way, changed it and made them wearable again. So I made my first pieces with old broken jewels, adding another material and colour, threads, paper, wire or varnish, and gave them a new life. Few of these pieces I still have in my collection.
My interrest for material was growing, and I also begun to discover how to use it in my jewellery.

I made pieces nearly out of everything, what I have found. It was always a challenge for me to make a piece out of material, that wasn’t typical for jewellery. The material was changing in my hands, I tried different ones like plastic and different metals, but the respect for nature and it`s forms was always the same.
Later, thinking about studying, the only possibility for me was to study art, practical and theoretical way. 2001 I begun to study at the Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. Under the guidance of Prof. Karol Weisslechner, at the department Jewellery and Metal, I studied for 6 years till I got my Master of Arts. Established in 1949, it is the oldest academy of arts in Slovakia. During the 65 years of its existence it has undergone several changes in the organisational structure, teaching methods, staffing, number of students and other parameters.It is not a closed and static structure but a complex adaptive – non-linear and non-deterministic system.One of its key features is the principle of required diversity.
During studies, we got different themes to research and to work on.
For me, the most important themes were always personal and natural themes. The SECRET in 2004, Morphing in 2005 and PARADISO/INFERNO in 2006/7.
In the first theme, Secret, I worked with my very intimate, personal feelings about my pregnancy.
“In my jewelry, feelings, emotions and stories are very important. These 3 brooches are showing 3 stages of how the child growths inside of maternal body. They are my message to my son Sebastian.
The first 3 months I didn’t know that “secret”. I had mixed feelings when I found it out. At the same time I was very happy and full of expectation. This was so emotional that I had to process it in my work.
There are three brooches, each with a sonogram and two hemispheres to guard and to keep it safe and protect the fetus. I used a fragile construction to keep the brooches lightweight.”
The sonogram pictures are printed on transparent foil and the hemispheres are transparent plastic material.