With jewelry objects, sculptural and conceptual works by 53 artists and artists offer the exhibition in the graphic rooms of the Museum Angerlehner and the accompanying catalog provide an exciting insight into the Austrian Jewelry making since the 1970s. “Mit Eigensinn” exhibition at Museum Angerlehner will be presented from 03.04. to 25.09.2022, and if you want come to the opening, it is on 03.04.2022 at the beautiful location of Museum Angerlehner in Thalheim near Wels. “The exhibition focuses on the development and current situation of Austrian designer jewellery, which has established itself as an art form since the late 1960s. Selected works by 53 artists from different generations are on display. One part of the exhibition is dedicated to the pioneers who played a key role in shaping the highly acclaimed jewellery scene of the Austrian avant-garde, the other part to numerous contemporary positions.”
Artists: Eva Afuhs, AND_i, Andrea Auer, Elisabeth Altenburg, Isolde Baumhackl-Oswald, Gabriele Kutschera, Sonja Bischur, BLESS, Susanne Blin, Gunda Maria Cancola, Elisabeth J.Gu. Defner, Petr Dvorak, Benedikt Fischer, Verena Formanek, Ursula Guttmann, Pia Groh, Andrea MAXA Halmschlager, Elisabeth Habig, Susanne Hammer, Margit Hart, Brigitte Haubenhofer-Salicites, Anna Heindl, Alexandra Hofer, Christian Hoedl, Paul Iby, Ulrike Johannsen, Beatrix Kaufmann, Michelle Kraemer, Brigitte Lang, Erika Leitner, Jacqueline I. Lillie, Gerti Machacek, Doris Maninger, Theresa Macourek, Stephie Morawetz, Martina Mühlfellner, Anita Münz, Viktoria Münzker, Nadine Pramhas, Konstanze Prechtl, paula. paul, Ulrich Reithofer, Anna Riess, Eva Schmeiser-Čadia, Veronika Schwarzinger, Ina Seidl, Claudia Steiner, Bernhard Stimpfl-Abele, Waltrud Viehböck, Birgit Wiesinger/Eva Tesarik, Ulrike Zehetbauer-Engelhart, Petra Zimmermann.
During this exhibition you can also buy my two books in the Museum-shop.

“Mit Eigensinn*” the new exhibition held in Museum Angerlehner, 4600 Thalheim bei Wels/ Austria. The opening will be 03.04.2022 at 11.00 am, and will last until 25.09.2022.
Exhibition is open Monday to Friday on request, Saturday 14 – 18 pm, Sunday 10 – 18 pm.