International Group Exhibition What Now? in the Heart of Styria, in the city of Graz.
Everything grows or everything dies. There is no standstill. Regardless of whether you consider a person, society, mankind or the universe. Natural urge to grow and to change is universal and the desirable Ideal of union between human and the natural world marked by our environmental impact.
In my work the world is a changing form that evolves in mutations. Artificially grown minerals on a piece of driftwood. What comes next? Lab grown meat is nothing new. A tree, just like a human, is a symbol of growth and change. To survive we need the feeling of connection and security.
You are cordially invited to see the exhibition WHAT NOW? until 30.09. at Plattform Schmuckkunst, Mariahilferplatz 3, 8020 Graz
Artists: Chok Shin Ni /SGDel Duca Adriana /ITEigenthaler Elisabeth /ATErosky Esteban /ESGarcía Bárbara /ESHolm Serena /SEHummer Iris /AT Lobato Alice /BRMerchant Kristina /GBMironova Maria /RUMorawetz Stephanie /ATMünzker Viktoria /ATNábilková Katarína /CZPapadoukas Konstantinos /GRPuch Josefina /ARStanėlienė Kamilė /LTTurley Austin /USVan der Linde Jeanine /NL

Brooch “Peas” – materials: driftwood, self grown alaun crystals, green ink, lacquer,1 gram gold 585, steel needle – size 8,3 x 2 x 1,5 cm, Price: 300€