Unusual combinations of materials with different properties fascinate me. With the Green Electron Brooch, soft and amorphous meets hard and edged, the gloom of translucent stones faces matte, light absorbing bodies. Some compilations may appear unorthodox; the colour combinations look even dissonant. But it is just this visual irritation, that fine rupture, which moves our perception of beauty. Natural metamorphosis enchanted me, like transformation of Amber into a healing stone. A precious golden tear of God seeping from the inside of an organism enclosing everything in its way into the Green Electron Brooch. Insects and plants haven’t found a way out. And amber has found a way to the synthesis of the arts. Together with mangrove wood and titanium metamorphosed into a rewarding brooch.
Nature lodged the beauty into the actual cornerstone of creation. What makes crystals growing into their construction and systems? What brings and controls the flower to arrange its blossoms into complicated inflorescences? Who creates the colorful illustration on the wings of the butterfly or bird? But what has adjust the human eye to consider these with pleasure? Is the human eye a mirror, that nature created for itself, to recognize within like a vainly being? Whether in our bodies or souls, wounds remind us of the pain we went through. Instead of hiding them, we all should try to highlight those cracks that make us unique and irreplaceable, as well as resilient in life.