DNA exhibition is proposed by Alliages and curated by Juan Riusech. The selection of international artistic jewellery based on the DNA of the artists will be shown at the Espace Solidor Museum of Contemporary Jewellery in Cagnes Sur Mer in France.
“The DNA of our organization is made up of the sum of all the DNAs of all the artists who participated in our exhibitions and events all over the world. This DNA is made of diversity. Our artists use all possible materials and are inspired by all areas of culture, science, politics, history or news. They dialogue with the public, the spectator or the participant, by soliciting him, by questioning or disturbing him. The DNA of the contemporary art jewelry artists is also the singularity, the authenticity and the creativity. Each artist has his own approach, his own style, his own message. There are no rules or standards to follow, but personal and constant research. The artist of contemporary art jewelry is an explorer, an inventor, a revealer. He expresses his DNA through his art.” (Alliages.org)
The nature has rules. But nature is also chaotic. In the handling of multiple possibilities we show our essential humanity and sensitivity. We make rules for ourselves, because we want to know how far we are willing to go. We go beyond the limits and break the rules because we want to know ourselves and our code. When you Change your point of view, you will see either chaos and confusion, or you will experience creativity and communication.
Exhibition will last from 10th June until 5th November 2023. Opening hours 14.00 – 18.00 (closed on Tuesday in July & August), October and November 14.00 – 17.00 (closed on Monday and Tuesday)
Selected Artists
Anna Talbot, Arisa Inoue, Åsa Elmstam, Austin Turley, Carmen López Sánchez, Charlotte Vanhoubroeck, Clara del Papa, Claudia Steiner, Danica Drago, Deimezi Xenia, Eiko Nakahara, Elvire Blanc Briand, Esteban Erosky, Fabiana Gadano, Isabelle Azais, Isabelle Busnel, Jason Stein, Juan Harnie, Juan Riusech, Kamile Staneliene, Karin Roy Andersson, Kristýna Španihelová, Linda Savineau, Mabel Pena, Malene Kastalje, Marta Mattsson, Maud Traon, Michelle Kraemer, Monique Lecouna, Namkyung Lee, Nanna Doll, Nassrin Vessalian, Nico Delaide, Paolo Gambarelli, Patricia Iglesias, Peter Hoogeboom, Pilar Viedma Gil de Vergara, Raquel Bessudo, Rho Tang, Rosa Borreda, Rikke Lunnemann, Sara Shahak, Saydee Chandler, Sébastien Carré, Sofia Björkman, Spam Glam, Taibe Palacios, Tanel Veenre, Teresa F Faris, Ute van der Plaats, Viktoria Münzker, Yiota Vogli, Youjin Um, & Yu Hiraishi