Spry Powder brooch belongs to the Collection Terra Incognita. My interest for jewellery came when I was a child from my mother. The Spry Powder brooch is a symbol of my childhood to me. I`ve always browsed her treasure drawers, admired the colours and shapes of her earrings, necklaces, brooches and rings. She had a lot of non-precious material pieces made of Bakelite, painted metals, wood, glass or plastic. I`ve carefully played with the pieces, they were like toys for me. Sometimes, when I found a broken jewellery piece or two, I`ve tried to put it together again or to make another wearable piece out of it. I`ve learned to recycle and to create something original. It became important for me to find a way, how to put materials and colours together. Precious and non-precious materials has become one whole. Soft and strong colours are playing together one symphony in the Spry Powder brooch. I`m very thankful to my mama for letting me play with her jewellery since I was a child, about 7 years old.
For me, to create jewellery, is to make the inner world visible. Colours and forms of biological organisms transformed in the mind and through the hands. Amidst the chaos, there is harmony. Millions of fascinating species, both animals and plants depend on each other. Some of them fall into oblivion. I want to protect and cherish the natural world. Nature itself defies expectations and comprehensibility.